Applications for schedules clearance (SCR - Slot Clearance Request,  SMA - Schedule Movement Advice, GCR - General Aviation Slot Clearance Request) must be submitted ONLY in IATA SSIM Chapter 6 format at the following email address:


Dates and times only in UTC.

All requests from non-Cyprus based operators, must be sent in turnaround format using IATA aircraft subtypes codes only, in conformity with Appendix A of the IATA SSIM Manual.

Text messages not in IATA SSIM Chapter 6 format received in the above email address are not recognised and are automatically rejected by our system without being processed.

Please check how to format an application for schedules clearance.

Timelines and deadlines, as provided by EU Regulation (EEC) 95/93 and Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (WASG), should be strictly followed to ensure clearance of applications.

Operators are advised to request their schedules clearance at least three business days before operation.